Just in case you missed it, take a look at yesterdays post The best thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into the future.

This is to continue the post from yesterday with sharing an older post in celebration of reaching 300 followers. But before we get to that…Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

In America St. Patrick’s day is basically seen as a chance for everyone to be Irish and get completely wasted. I for one enjoy this day because I have Irish blood. We all celebrate this day in different ways and for different reasons. To each their own. May the luck of the Irish be with you!

I decided to share two older post today. They both fit together. Oddly enough I had no idea how connected they were until I went back to read them. These aren’t the happiest of post but they share a piece of my life and feelings. I think anyone that has ever lost someone close to them can relate to those emotions.

“Now it’s the dark’s turn to be afraid.”- Joseph

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”- Edgar Allan Poe

Thank you all for reading and sharing this journey with me. You are all amazing people! Best of luck to ya!

via Daily Prompt: Luck